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The Akasha Method
Freedom From Addiction
Full Access To The 30 Day Akasha Method Course
$1997 - Lifetime access
Lifetime access to our Freedom From Addiction Course. 30 Days of Instruction, over 4 hours of Video and life changing instruction on The Akasha Method, a transformative journey to healing. Includes all supportive materials and four 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Josh Milne.
Continued Support in our Online Community
For those Beautiful Souls who have completed our 30 day course we offer Monthly access to our online community providing group support and a growing library of online classes, training, additional lessons and meditations, special events, and access to 1-on-1 coaching sessions so that you are supported in your continuing growth, transformation and evolution.
“By committing to and following the stages of the Akasha Method, I have gone from the darkest place in my life to a state of health, happiness, joy, abundance and presence.”
— Josh, 54
Founder and Creator of The Akasha Method
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